Posted at 19:30h
Potluck at Raymonde’s
We have a lot of practical items to discuss at this potluck. We have gathered all the images for the publications and now we are deciding on the titles and design. We now have a collaborator who will design and create layouts for...
Posted at 19:28h
Rencontre régulière à Hexagram
Les images du projet Mariette sont réunies sur un serveur ; Jin, Andrea et Gwynne feront une sélection cette semaine. Nous discutons de la mise en forme des onze livres et de l’échéancier avec Mathieu, notre designer graphique. Les livres doivent-ils être de...
Posted at 19:11h
Second artist retreat at the House of the Antique Dealer and the House of the Sculptor in Kamouraska
Day 1
We decided that we would come back to the same houses in Kamouraska this year. This time, nine artists are onboard. We are on this trip with...
Posted at 19:10h
Andrea brought her recipe for chocolate-chip cookies with almond butter. She offers to bake desserts for the group as dinner time approaches. MC and Celia kindly prepare a meal for the group—dal, rice, and salad on our plates. It is time for sharing some new...
Posted at 19:08h
Making aesthetic decisions for the Mariette publications. Looking at a sample of the book cover printed on Tyvek and deciding on colours. The colours of the type are extracted from the photographs of the studio spaces and house.
We go to an antique shop in St-Jean-Port-Joli...
Posted at 19:05h
Réunion postpetit-déjeuner
Réunion matinale pour définir un espace de recherche dans l’institut qui en est à son processus d’élaboration à Concordia. Nous devons vite prendre position, car une grande reconfiguration est en cours et il ne faut pas rater l’occasion au risque de perdre nos espaces...
Posted at 18:12h
Velibor and Bogdan take on the responsibility of the dinner for our final night. Velibor is the chef, while Bogdan assists him with cooking the pasta dish. While they cook big portions of fettuccine, Jessica starts on the salads. They move around swiftly in the...
Posted at 18:07h
Rentrés de Kamouraska, nous accueillons deux nouveaux membres dans le groupe, Jacques Bellavance et Lise Latreille, qui sont actuellement étudiants dans le programme de maîtrise en beaux-arts (MFA) de Concordia.
Nous finalisons la production du projet Mariette....
Posted at 16:02h
Pre-summer potluck at Raymonde’s (Jessica’s birthday)
Our final meeting before the summer. Continuing our ongoing discussion on the group’s potential projects, we have already discussed making an archive of images, sound, and text about our activities. This was rooted in the idea that we will be...
Posted at 16:00h
Installation de l’exposition Ateliers croisés : Mariette Rousseau-Vermette et Claude Vermette, artisans de la modernité québécoise, Musée d’art contemporain de Baie-Saint-Paul
Nous (Bogdan, Velibor et Raymonde) arrivons à Baie-Saint-Paul en après-midi et commençons à répartir les photos encadrées et les trois vidéos dans l’espace d’exposition. Les onze...