14 Dec Day 2
Making aesthetic decisions for the Mariette publications. Looking at a sample of the book cover printed on Tyvek and deciding on colours. The colours of the type are extracted from the photographs of the studio spaces and house.
We go to an antique shop in St-Jean-Port-Joli that sells an enormous, mostly random assortment of objects (so we’ve been informed by Raymonde.) Unfortunately, when we get there the shop is closed for no apparent reason. Perhaps we would have had to contact the owner and they serve people by appointment, or perhaps it was their regular day off. It is disappointing, and we gather on the side of the road to decide where to go from there.
On the way back, we make a short stop at a lookout point by the shore to watch birds.
In the evening, we sit around the dinner table once again.
“When we were out in the landscape watching birds, did you notice that for a good fifteen to twenty minutes no one spoke?” Jessica says, and we ponder that for a while. That was true. We would meet another person’s eyes and just smile, then retreat back to being in the landscape.
“I think we are good at being alone together.”