14 Dec January 19, 2015
Regular meeting at Hexagram
Our first meeting of the new year. The conversation around the Mariette show has already started over email prior to this meeting. Velibor is working on the maquette for the show and we are all producing work. Meanwhile, the idea of making a publication has been floating around and we finally make a decision that books should happen.
Andrea had some prints to share with us from the shoot so we look at her tests on the wall. Her images are mostly close-ups of books and objects that she encountered in their house and in the studio. Through her images, these artifacts are transformed and reframed with a peculiar sensibility that is reminiscent of the seventies in terms of colour palette. Andrea used direct flash light to shoot the pictures.
Celia brought work-in-progress prints for her thesis project. The prints are laid out on the table and we discuss possible selections. Also Celia talks about her ideas for her installation, and she reveals her interest in architectural forms and working with creating a space that is disorienting. Her thesis exhibition is scheduled to happen in March.