Outrevie-Afterlife | March 9, 2017
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March 9, 2017




Vernissage in Mumbai

After days of problem-solving and negotiating with different trades, our show opens on the Carter Road boardwalk. As Raymonde had said, at night the promenade gets thousands of visitors—people who came out for evening workouts, strolls, or couples’ rendezvous. We are impressed by the volume of people that the place attracts at night.

We head to Colaba to see shows and attend the launch party for the Focus Photography Festival. Getting out of Bandra for the first time and seeing how different Colaba is, we realize how big Mumbai is. Overwhelmingly populated, it is a complex city with old and new architecture crumbling and being built at the same time. We arrive in Colaba in the evening, close to seven, as the party is scheduled to begin at eight. On the way, we drop by a few exhibition venues to see the shows that are part of the festival. We like Mumbai Art Room and what they are showing in their space. It is a small, quite intimate space with a low ceiling and storefront-like entrance on a quiet street in the middle of the residence complexes.

L’homme qui se regardait dans le miroir

Lors de notre voyage en taxi vers Colaba, Raymonde et Jin aperçoivent un homme, sur le côté de la rue, assis, presque couché, qui se regarde dans un miroir, le tenant d’une main. C’est une vision fugace, car le taxi se déplace, mais elle s’impose très clairement au regard des deux photographes. Le geste de l’homme est si inattendu que Raymonde et Jin se regardent instantanément, comme pour se confirmer qu’elles ont bien vu.