Outrevie-Afterlife | June 1 and 9, 2016
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June 1 and 9, 2016

Meeting at Post Image Lounge

In the weeks following the Kamouraska retreat, some of us who are still in town meet to work on editing and conceptualizing the show at VU. Based on our conversation during the trip, we start working with the prints and the archive on hand. Jin starts collecting people’s images from the Kamouraska trip. Also, as an outcome of the discussion, we ask people to make a preliminary selection from their archives and make prints. The group then gets together to work with these prints, putting them on the wall and moving them around to find a theme or possible narrative threads. The spaces where we have spent time together stand out as a strong theme around which we could organize our images—Raymonde’s dining room, Kamouraska, and the PI Lounge, mainly. Other themes also emerged, such as photos of photos, people in the landscape, and the dining table. As a first step, we choose and put images on the wall freely to add to and eliminate from the group. The process involves six of us who are interacting with the selection and adding and subtracting from the wall.

During the discussion we also consider other ideas, such as playing the audio recordings of our conversation in the space and making a video projection. However, the European space at VU is quite intimate and not a big enough space to divide into different sections, so we finally settle with the idea of a show with many prints on the wall. Also, the idea of making a book has been postponed, as we will not have enough time to do both. We will save those ideas for our next shows, potentially at other exhibition venues and in Mumbai. Our focus is to make a good exhibition about the idea of “afterlife” as a subject and as a group.