Outrevie-Afterlife | December 18, 2016
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December 18, 2016

Potluck at Raymonde’s

Since the lastcouncil meeting, we have collaborated with What About Art? in Mumbai to define an device for installing our large images in public space. We settle on free-standing metal structures, with our images mounted onto wooden stretchers held in place by wire. Rocks, collected on the beach nearby, will secure the whole thing from the bottom, and we agree that lighting should be added for nighttime viewing.

In this meeting, the final image selection is made and we start planning for production. Do we print the images here and bring them with us to Mumbai? Can they be printed over there? Since Raymonde will be arriving in Mumbai a few weeks before the show, it could be done over there.

Nous voulons aussi inclure une sélection vidéo qui serait présentée dans la galerie, en complément d’unparcours en plein air. Bogdan propose de développer son projet commencé l’hiver dernier. Il veut filmer les images produites par nous tous, y juxtaposer des éléments vidéos, puis accompagner ce lent déroulement de sous-titres fragmentés. Katie se joint à lui avec ses transcriptions de conversations.

Parallel to the show, we are also developing some ideas for the publication. Since VU is interested in supporting the publication, the plan is becoming concrete. How do we organize the past three years of collective’s endeavours? What will the title of the book be? How many pages? Should it feature individual works? Timeline?